On one day in the last week of May 2016 one angler caught 16 brown trout - the largest 50cm/3.0lb - another 48cm/3.0lb and one sea trout of around 2.5lb/47cm.
Mostly taken on nymph - the fisherman's own pattern - a black pheasant tail variant.
All fish were returned safely.

Returning for another trip to Castle Forbes reknowned fishing beats this angler caught 6 fish, with the biggest being 47cm and weighing in at 3lbs - on another day his catch was 14, including 5 over 3lbs and 5 over 40cm.
To sum up this years visit in a few words “best days ever on any river”.
A video of the River Don at Craigpot, on the Castle Forbes Estate, taken by one of our regular anglers.

Location: River Don; approximately 35km west of Aberdeen. The Bridge of Keig (where the B992 road crosses the River Don) is roughly the middle of the fishings. Length of Fishings: Approximately 5.9km double bank, and a further 1.5km single (left) bank at the lower end of the fishings. The fishings are divided into 7 Beats. Up to two salmon Rods per Beat are allowed to fish each Beat

Fishing Availability: The fishings are privately owned, however all Beats are generally available for letting on a daily, weekly or even longer basis. Season lets are considered, however this is likely to involve a combination of Beats.

Accommodation: Lord & Lady Forbes offer special rates at Castle Forbes for fishing tenants. For details & reservations, contact the Forbes Estate Office during office hours or Castle Forbes directly on 019755-62574 (email office@castle-forbes.com).

Wading – the river width varies between approx.: 20 and 30 metres. Most pools can be covered satisfactorily from the bank - limited wading may assist fishing when summer bank vegetation growth becomes excessive.
Flies – a wide variety of flies have proved successful for salmon, sea and brown trout, for example Ally's Shrimp, Silver Stoat, Willie Gun & Blue Charm. Spinning is discouraged, excepting occasions when weather/river conditions do not make fly fishing a practical option, and strictly with permission from the Estate Office.
Pools – the main beats have at least 9 holding pools.
Bag limit – see Conservation Policy
Current season fishing rates – available from Forbes Estate Office. A catch return, issued with the permit, must be completed by/for all rods on completion of fishing.
Our season – Salmon (and other migratory fish) is 11 February to 31 October; Brown Trout the first Monday in April to 4 October.

Ghillie: There is no resident ghillie, however assistance can generally be arranged if adequate notice is given. Beat maps showing access routes, parking places, pools etc. are provided by Forbes Estate Office.
Best Times for Salmon Fishing: Spring fish March – April; summer fish May – June/July; and autumn fish September – October.
Average Annual Catch - for the last five seasons - 74 salmon and grilse.